Letters: Slow down on Whiffin Spit Road

Resident worried about impact of cars on deer because of speed

I live near the top of Whiffin Spit Road. My close neighbours beside me and behind are lovely family people with kids and pets, best people and I’d be sick if anything happened to them because of your bad driving.


About half way down my property there is a traffic sign warning drivers to slow to 40km as they come to the intersection at Wright Road. Every few hours cars honk their horns as deer cross the road. Since they have to slow down anyway, my first question is why the need to honk? Just do what it says and slow down.

On Friday my cat was hit by a car. Surviving minus an eye now but when I was standing at the end of my driveway on October 10 awaiting my ride to the vet, a woman in a green bronco type truck was speeding towards a young fawn that was crossing. I waved frantically. She smiled and waved back then slammed on the brakes just in time to avoid a nasty impact on wet roads.


There are no sidewalks at my end and with Whiffin Spit being an Indy race track for the frustrated, behind schedule, distracted drivers, my neighbours and I put our lives on the line to place garbage and recycling at the road, not to mention trying to accomplish lawn care.


I have on a few occasions, when confronted with the aftermath of charging steel colliding with living tissue, stood out there with my cell and recorded my speeding Whiffin area neighbours as they talk on their phones, drive down the middle of the street, yell at their kids and speed. It is quite entertaining. Alas, I don’t really want anyone to die just because I enjoy the show. So how about speed bumps on Whiffin, the same as Wright Road? Or an infuriating roundabout perhaps?

Maybe the RCMP could park behind my hedge and ticket their hearts content. I’ll provide coffee.

I would love to hear opinions on a roundabout vs speed humps on Whiffin to slow the traffic. Of course recording a death would be quite fortunate for advancing these propositions.


For those who wonder who would want such a contraption on Whiffin Spit… I’m the one you see dragging the bodies of the deer you’ve hit off the road. I want any available way to slow you down.

So if you hit an animal near the top of Whiffin please stop and help. You may never speed again if you had to carry a bleating crying animal off the road and watch it die.

E. Harrison-Clarke


Sooke News Mirror