LETTERS: Snow day solution

Here is a solution that does not apply to essential services but may benefit the working man and woman.

Heavy snowfall got you down when you think of the nightmare you may face while driving to your place of work ?

Well here is a solution that does not apply to essential services but may benefit the working man and woman who need the money to stay at least even in this country’s high cost of living.

Surely for one day students and workers who stay home for the day because of heavy snowfall won’t make the world stop turning?

Can you imagine how much easier and quicker it would be for the  snow clearing personnel to clear the roads while those students and workers at home could clear driveways, sidewalks etc. and help those in need? Think of all that extra shovel power. Just think.

Workers could make up for lost pay by adding lost hours off work gradually to their regular shift when travel is safer — usually within a day of heavy snowfall.

With today’s electronic communication  that guides the world, one missed shift at work on account of heavy snow won’t be the straw that put the brakes on the economy. It would certainly make travel much safer as highways and all roads are cleared faster with perhaps the only dog’s hind-leg to be pissed off may just be ICBC.

Even newspaper staff could miss a day even if it broke some hearts!

Tom Isherwood




Penticton Western News