Letters: Sooke needs investment

Each week Sooke News Mirror readers express themselves on the Letters to the Editor pages

For over 20 years, I’ve been trying to convince people, mainly Victoria folks, that the overall level of intellect in Sooke is higher than that which is perceived, and then I read certain council members’ masterpieces in the TC and I just want to bury my head in the sand.


Meanwhile, thanks largely due to the endless self-defecating squabble that goes on in Sooke, Langford has somewhat graciously passed on the title of Pitbull and Mullet Capital and elevated itself to become the economic powerhouse of the region. None of us want to see big box stores in Sooke, but what sane individual would argue that a hotel and public access to the waterfront is a bad idea.

If we can ever hope to enjoy lower tax rates in Sooke, we desperately need outside investment because so far, the only significant local money invested here has been our collective contribution to our new hotel, and even though we might all question the chosen colour scheme, this investment has an important one for Sooke’s future.

Anyone who doesn’t understand the difference between investment and spending would be well-advised to look it up.

It’s no wonder the CRD wants to turn everything west of Langford into a park; from the outsider’s perspective, there doesn’t appear to be anything else worth protecting.

Dana Lajeunesse


Sooke News Mirror