Letters: Sooke needs more doctors

New resident finding it difficult to get a general practitioner in Sooke

I moved here from Vancouver a year ago and am reminded how little I miss the big city every time I have to take the ferry to drove those congested streets and fight to find parking, which is pretty much monthly, to visit my doctor.

I have enjoyed good health until recently as I am, unfortunately, ageing.

When I moved to Sooke I contacted the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons to find a new doctor and discovered there are none in Sooke, or Saanich, or Victoria, or Metchosin, or Langford who are taking new patients.  The website of the College of Physicians and Surgeons says to contact doctors outside of your community if none are available in your area, so I called a few of the many doctors taking new patients in Duncan. But they are not taking patients outside of their community.  Now there’s a Catch 22 for ya.

I considered camping outside the old drug store in Evergreen Centre to be first in line when the new medical office opens but have been told that they aren’t taking new patients either.  What’s an old girl, who was born in this province and has lived here all her life, with the exception of an unfortunate 10 years spent in Winnipeg, to do?

Doctors, move to Sooke. It’s beautiful. There is the ocean and trees and trails and birds and a Philharmonic Orchestra and great fishing and a wonderful community centre with a pool and some really good restaurants. The people are interesting and friendly and I’m sure you will love it as much as I do.  The only this missing… is you. Oh, and a movie theatre, but that is another letter.

Nancy Davies


Sooke News Mirror