Letters: Sookites in 10K race

Firefighters and doctors from Sooke participated in TC 10K run

Congratulations to the 234 Sookites who got up at 5:30 a.m. and walked or ran in the TC 10k on Sunday. Our community was very well represented. This group included a certain Sooke doctor who ran the race in a spectacular 34 min 56 sec. That was just over three minutes behind Simon Whitfield the Olympic athlete. Unreal!

I would also like to mention in particular the several members of the Sooke Volunteer Fire Dept. who ran the race in full firefighting gear including air tanks. It must have been heavy and  hot but they made it through. Those are the kinda guys I would want carrying my butt out of the fire. A credit to their dept and community. Well done all, see you there again next year.

Brian Wallace


Sooke News Mirror