LETTERS: Sound bylaws unenforced

LETTERS: Sound bylaws unenforced

Editor: Re: High time to curtail train blasts, Aug. 10 letters.


Re: High time to curtail train blasts, Aug. 10 letters.

I wish to thank Ron Collingwood for his letter regarding the totally out-of-control train-horn blasts along Marine Drive.

We also live in White Rock and can attest to the number of times this happens daily. The whistles are so loud that we cannot carry on a phone conversation inside my house, despite the fact we are located a block-and-a-half away from the tracks.

There are signs stating “Whistles are not blown between 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.” Why are these bylaws not enforced?

All cities have noise bylaws. Is White Rock an exception?

David Gold, White Rock

Peace Arch News