LETTERS: Spare the rhetoric

I wonder whether some letter writers have even taken the time to actually get to know Mike Duffy?

I wonder whether some letter writers have even taken the time to actually get to know Mike Duffy?

I have. He was a guest of mine (both when he was with CTV and then as a Senator) at a graduate-level ethics class I taught at Saint Paul University. He grew up in PEI in a very interesting old school political home — he learned politics the PEI way which, until very recently was very much Liberal versus Conservative, Protestant versus Roman Catholic. Partisanship was the norm and yet it was quite balanced — each change of government changed those who received the largesse.

When he was appointed to the Senate, I suggested he and Pamela would be scrutinized by the press much more closely but he didn’t think so. He felt they were all his friends. They had been until he received the appointment — then most of them became jealous.

He actually was a very dedicated Senator — did a lot of support work for veterans among other tasks. He was very serious about following the rules and as the judge confirmed, he did such as they were. People can be upset if they wish, but he was not found innocent because of the freemasons any more than because he was born on PEI. On the basis of facts he was not guilty. And in most trials, the accused gets the choice of whether it’s a jury or judge alone process. This isn’t a popularity issues — it’s justice.

And please spare the rhetoric about bigots, racists and homophobes — that doesn’t elevate any conversation. I’ve met a few Liberals and NDP’rs who aren’t so squeaky clean either, and I know many Conservatives who are very progressive people. Remember in the last federal election the Conservatives actually maintained their share of the vote — it was a combination of a big drop in NDP support coupled with a rise in the proportion of younger people voting that gave Trudeau the victory.

By the way, I believe Jordan Kent lives in Ottawa which tends to be much more left-of-centre in its leanings, so I’m not surprised of the reactions here received.

I was in Fort McMurray last summer for two Canadian Football League games and the people there were not so enamoured with either the Liberals or the NDP.

Setting and context can mean a great deal in voting patterns. So again, calm down on the wild-eyed assertions and do some face-to-face research. That way you might actually help us all get to better.

Glenn W. Sinclair, Ph.D.




Penticton Western News