LETTERS: Speak up, bus riders


I’ve heard the public’s retorts regarding Mayor Wayne Baldwin’s attempt to remove Margaret Woods from White Rock council chambers.


TransLink is again proposing changes to routes running through the South Surrey area (‘Crummy’ TransLink service derided, Oct. 9).

The changes will probably affect every transit rider in the vicinity.

I cannot speak for all routes, however, the changes are negative for the routes that I use.

These changes are cumbersome, They eliminate being able to travel to certain areas now covered by bus service, and they will alienate an established ridership.

In particular, route 351 faces radical adjustments in non-rush-hour times. It is proposed all 351 buses will go from Bridgeport to White Rock Centre then return. Anyone wishing to travel west of the centre must transfer to a smaller bus running along 16 Avenue every 30 minutes.

Before the Canada Line, the 351 extended from Crescent Beach to Vancouver. When the line opened, the shortened 351 route terminated at Bridgeport. At the same time, TransLink committed to improved service – the rush-hour service was more frequent; the remainder of services were adversely impacted.

Now, TransLink proposes a further decrease in service.

Changes are being proposed with virtually no notification to riders. I urge you to make concerns known at 604-953-3040, or go online at www.translink.ca/tnc to ‘South of Fraser’, then select ‘White Rock’.

Anne Helps, White Rock



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