LETTERS: Speaking the truth

It would be so nice if the common working person would care because something may happen to you one day.

Letter writer James Redman has said the truth, “the disabled don’t get a raise,” (Western News, Jan. 8, All things going up in price).

Most do not know that currently a disability cheque total is $908 to $946.42 total for one month. The government only allows out of that $375/month for rent, which anyone knows does not fit the current range of rent. Oh yes, we, the disabled, must also use that or the $300 to $346.42 to pay any fee for utilities. There is not enough low cost or BC housing for the same actual number of persons on disability; neither welfare or old age, two other areas increase is vastly needed as well.

Let us look at the rest of the disability cheque, $300 to $336.42. A lot of us disabled like myself have been forced into commercial, non-low cost apartments and a lot of those have electric heat. My own City of Penticton utility bill for the last approximate three years in the winter months has been $176 per month. That leaves me $160.42 for anything else I need to pay for and groceries.

Everyone is different. I’ve chosen to volunteer 10-12 hours per month at a non-profit. In 2011 the government came out with a special volunteer supplement which would give disabled an extra $100 month added to their cheque. I did have that for the last two years given I have always volunteered (i.e.: previous advocate for women’s centre for 20 years). I have been volunteering for one particular non-profit for the last five years. I was let go due to my brain injury. I immediately was accepted by another non-profit who had volunteer staff who knew my abilities I still have. I have been so thankful and grateful to that society.

In November I received a volunteer inquiry from the ministry and I immediately delivered that personally to a staff member in charge of my volunteerism. I could not have been more shocked and upset when in December, days previous to Christmas, I get my ministry cheque to see the $100 volunteer supplement gone and no reason given. I’ve been pretty upset.

Once I pay for utilities and my Shaw package, that leaves $14.42 for food or anything else.

Due to things which happen in life, if disabled can drive and have a vehicle, the ministry will add what’s called “Transportation Support” of approximately $700 per year. I received that in 2014 and I do not have a vehicle anymore, I am walking wherever I go with assistance of either a cane or walker. The ministry currently refuses to give me a bus pass as disabled usually get, due to that former 2014 Transportation support which is obviously gone. Frustrating and doesn’t make sense.

That is just the beginning.

The ministry often does not pay for non-prescription over the counter items etc.

The amount to live on for old age pension shows total disrespect to elders. The welfare and disability amounts feel more like a punishment for landing in a non-planned-for-life position and is showing a total non-humanitarianism.

I will keep writing my letter to Justin Trudeau. I praise Justin for his wise placement of Canada’s very first federal minster of persons with disabilities. It would be so nice if the common working person would care because something may happen to you one day placing you at the door of welfare, disability or old age pension.

Sheryl Ann Wilson




Penticton Western News