Letters: ‘Speeders laughing’

What a total waste of money the reader boards are.

RCMP and volunteers and City of Maple Ridge engineers at reader board on widened 128th Avenue, west of Laity Street. The speed limit on the road is 50 kmh.

RCMP and volunteers and City of Maple Ridge engineers at reader board on widened 128th Avenue, west of Laity Street. The speed limit on the road is 50 kmh.

Editor, The News:

Re: Watch your speed, reader boards warn (The News, Feb. 15).

What a total waste of money the reader boards are.

The speeding drivers must be laughing their socks off.

I travel to Abbotsford Hospital a couple of times a week down Lougheed Highway, and I can guarantee at least five or six SUVs, as well as cars will come past well above the speed limit.

They seem a to have no thought for anybody else on the road.

It’s time speed cameras were brought back and high fines and bans imposed before we have more deaths.

Get them off the road. It’s the only way.

Malc Hobson

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News