LETTERS: Spelling it out for city council

Here’s hoping 2016 will be a more thoughtful and beneficial year for Penticton and it’s citizens.

Park, what park? Who needs to keep precious green space?

Expensive (medical and dental benefits for council members).

Non-caring about what Penticton really is and what it means to people.

Tax increases because of unnecessary spending.

Infrastructure upgrades, whatever for.

Cocky (push their ideas through).

Tacky and frivolous (canopy lighting).

Out of control, unnecessary spending (100 block Main Street).

Not enough finances, but somehow enough for non-essentials.

Carefree with taxpayers’ money (it’s not councillors’ money that’s being spent).


Trustworthy and transparent — not.

Y don’t they use their heads and common sense?

Careless – Tourists are councillors’ main concerns, not the citizens of Penticton.

Oblivious to their constituents’ concerns

Unwilling to listen to reason.

No need to worry about firefighters fair pay. Who needs them away?

Clouds (heads in).

Ill-conceived and ill-advised plans — no due diligence done on proposed projects (hotel by the South Okanagan Events Centre).

Lucky no recall for city council members  — yet.


Talk about wow factors to put Penticton on the map. Here’s hoping 2016 will be a more thoughtful and beneficial year for Penticton and it’s citizens.

Kathy Krenn



Penticton Western News