LETTERS: Stop focussing on tourists

I am so tired of hearing about getting young families to move here when there are no jobs.

I am not a politician or an engineer but why does greater Penticton with a population of 43,000 need three conference centres: Penticton Trade and Convention Centre, SOEC and the new Lakeside Resort Conference Centre (all short term, inconsistent income)?

And, four ice surfaces when the SOEC has free ice time every day — I walk there and most of the time there is no activity on the rink surfaces. As someone else suggested, lease the PTCC to the casino, close the rink that needs the most repairs and get on with it.

I am so tired of hearing about getting young families to move here when there are no jobs. We have a crisis with seniors occupying acute care hospitals beds (at $1,000 a day) waiting months to get into chronic care facilities. These facilities, which are desperately needed, would provide 12 month jobs that are better paying than hospitality minimum wage jobs so why does council have tunnel vision and only focused on a two-month tourist bonanza?

Teri Noriega




Penticton Western News