The breaks along the rail fence in West Beach were closed last week in an effort to improve safety.

The breaks along the rail fence in West Beach were closed last week in an effort to improve safety.

LETTERS: Stop-gap measure adds danger


This past week we watched workmen weld metal pipes across the path entry points at the BNSF railway tracks.


This past week we watched workmen weld metal pipes across the path entry points where the parking lot paver paths terminate at the BNSF railway tracks.

The entire West Beach, approximately half a mile, is legally blocked off to the many Lower Mainland citizens who love to come to White Rock.

As one workman stated, “It’s poor public relations for the BNSF railroad.”

Add to this all the planet-polluting thermal coal passing through our communities on its way to China, and just maybe the polite and trod upon Canadian citizens are going to not only say “enough already” but do something about it.

This past sunny weekend, we watched many families lug chairs, coolers, and kids through the fence rather than have to walk half a mile to get around the fence.

To protect their liability, the BNSF has created an even more hazardous scenerio.

They can say after the next fatality that the deceased trespassed on their property, notwithstanding the fact they have basically shut down the West Beach.

The arrogance of the US railroad company and its owner, philanthropist Warren Buffet, has now given more citizens than the White Rock hill dwellers a new reason to remove or relocate the tracks.

Dennis Smith, White Rock

Editor’s note: BNSF and the City of White Rock decided this spring to close the gaps along the promenade, in an interim effort to meet Transport Canada safety directives.



Peace Arch News