LETTERS: Stop Steelhead LNG in Saanich Inlet

This program needs to be stopped dead in its tracks.

In response to a recent ad that was in your paper, touting the advantages and ” fun facts” of the Steelhead LNG Project in the Saanich Inlet, let us pause now and look at the important facts.

There are many, but the one that compels me the most to speak out against this project is a very simple one: In order to achieve liquefaction, tens of thousands of cubic meters, or tonnes, of seawater will be run through turbines every hour of every day. The resulting discharge water will be warmer than seawater, and will also be chemically treated.

So, every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, the waters of the sacred Saanich Inlet that nourish Humpback, Orca, salmon, crab, prawns, herring, sea birds, Buffleheads, seals, and numerous other rich sea life, and are sacred hunting and fishing grounds of the WSANEC Nations, will be heated and chemically polluted.

I do not think that this is a “fun fact.”

This program needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. Those planning and promoting it need to cease and desist. This is not a choice anymore. The facts speak for themselves. Political decision makers need to inform themselves of the real effects and dangers of LNG projects in this province.

We need to act now!

Annie Grossnickle, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review