Letters: Strahl needs to focus on Canadian priorities

There are pressing issues that need to be discussed, however the government is not listening to Canadians, letter writer says.

Canada is currently participating in several international situations that hold great meaning for the lives of our citizens.  Yet, MP Mark Strahl continues to avoid these issues to focus on minor concerns.  He seems to be current with comments in our local paper.  His letter to The Progress, “Electoral changes for the best: Strahl,” seems clear and to the point.  Why can’t we expect the same level of detail and clarity on the federal issues that we all know are happening internationally.

We were discussing local marijuana grow-ops when NATO decided Canada should drop 8,000 bombs on Libyan civilians as well as military targets. The discussion of “crime in local streets” got top billing while Canada was supplying weapons and funding the Free Syrian Army, made up partially of members of Al Qaeda.  Canada negotiated a European Free Trade Agreement and we heard that it might hurt Canadian cattle farmers, but it definitely would not harm the Canadian cheese industry,  but we got nothing from our elected federal rep.

Currently Canada and the U.S. are trying to negotiate the Trans Pacific  Partnership (TPP).  This is a free trade agreement with the sweatshop-laden countries on the far side of the Pacific.  The bits and pieces we hear in the mainstream media hype it as great for Canadian business opportunities.  As with the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA), we can expect that this deal will move Canadian jobs to oppressed workers in areas where civil rights and decent living conditions don’t matter as much as they do in Canada.  Rather than boosting our economy, this pact will provide financial opportunities for the very wealthy, and at the same time lower our standard of living while further eroding Canadian sovereignty.

Canadian diplomats now sit in on discussions that could easily see our country drawn into World War III.  The European Union, backed by all Western powers, took over the Ukraine.  Russia moved in and protected its military bases and oil supply pipelines.  A tense situation, yes; Canada’s business, no.  But a war in this situation would be a great solution for the galactic financial problems threatening the stability of USA.  In Afghanistan, Canada fought at the side of the U.S. for over 12 years, at a cost of over 150 Canadian lives and over $20 Billion.  And, I still can’t find a Canadian who can give a reason we had to do this.  Now, as Canadians barely have time to understand that we are no longer fighting in any international war, do we really want to get involved in the Ukraine?

In his letter to the editor, Mark Strahl talks of “basic rights of Canadians.”  A basic Canadian right is that our government does the will of the people.   Mr. Strahl acts like he doesn’t want our opinion.  He is not available for comment.  He doesn’t answer his emails on these topics, and he tries to distract his voters from the meaty issues that Canadians should be discussing.

Please, Mr. Strahl, answer this letter and give us compelling reasons why we need to participate in the war in Syria, the Euro Free Trade Deal, and the Trans Pacific Partnership.  And for goodness’ sake, Canadians are tired of endless wars.  Urge your colleagues, our elected representatives, to find a diplomatic solution for the problems in those countries so far from our homes here in Chilliwack.

Gary Raddysh

Chilliwack Progress