LETTERS: Support the Poppy campaign

The Royal Canadian Legion and its 300,000 members are the guardians of Remembrance in Canada.

The Royal Canadian Legion and its 300,000 members are the guardians of Remembrance in Canada. As such, the Legion offers a number of resources that are easily accessible when planning events during the upcoming national Poppy Campaign and Remembrance Day ceremonies in your local area.

For example, there is your local branch of The Royal Canadian Legion. By contacting veterans in the branch, you may find those who would share their experiences with you.

Other resources may be found by going to our website, www.legion.ca, under Honour and Remember, where you can find a wealth of information concerning poppy and remembrance, youth education and our teaching guide to name just a few.

You may also refer to the section on the Legion’s Pilgrimage of Remembrance which will give you personal impressions of the battlefields and grave sites visited by those who attended these pilgrimages.

In addition, under the Youth Education icon, you may find information on the Poster Contest (colour or black and white) and Literary Contest (Essays and Poems) that are conducted annually in schools across Canada in the senior, intermediate, junior and primary categories. The winners of the national competition in the senior categories (Grades 10, 11, 12) come to Ottawa for the National Remembrance Day Ceremony and place a wreath on behalf of the Youth of Canada.

But it all begins with our most important resource, our Legion members and their branches in your local area. Please contact them during this national Poppy Campaign.

Lest we Forget!

Tom Eagles, Dominion President, The Royal Canadian Legion


Penticton Western News