LETTERS: Supporters questioned


Peace Arch News question – “Would you support Donald Trump if he was running for prime minister of Canada?” – is a moot question.


The Peace Arch News online question of the week – “Would you support Donald Trump if he was running for prime minister of Canada?” – is a moot question.

Trump does not live in Canada and certainly is not a citizen.

However, the question does make me wonder why anyone would support him. It has been a learning experience watching Trump over the past 12 months. Through his actions and words, he obviously is a misogynist, a person who dislikes or is strongly prejudiced against women; a bigot, intolerant toward those who hold different opinions from oneself; a xenophobe, one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin; and a narcissist, excessive love of oneself.

Trump has been quoted stating that he loves the poorly educated. From the results of your question, it would appear the poorly educated love him.

Ian Routledge, White Rock



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