

LETTERS: Surrey Police board being ‘steamrolled’



After viewing the live streaming of the Surrey Police Board meeting on Sept. 15, it is quite obvious to the Keep the RCMP in Surrey campaign that Mr. McCallum is steamrolling the board with his agenda as mayor regarding budget, and by having them remove delegation requests out of the board’s purview to be controlled by him alone.

This is intimidation of the highest order. This should have been unacceptable to the board as it is to the very many hundreds of Surrey citizens that want to have their voices heard. So much for transparency! (Also please remember that Mr. McCallum always has to and does bring in his personal/mayoral vote as a tie-break on all motions in Surrey City Council due to a council 4-4 split).

The board should please rescind its removal of delegations approval at or by the next board meeting. If it does not do so, we believe that it will absolutely lose the confidence of all Surreyites in relation to its board work. This is a city of very astute taxpayers and voters.

We urge the board to please see through the very selfish agenda by Mr. McCallum using his position as chair of the SPB to achieve his mayoral goal of bringing in a very unwanted SPD before the next municipal election at which time he and his Safe Surrey Coalition is sure to be voted out. Please do the right thing.

Ivan Michael Scott, Surrey

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