LETTERS: Switch your thinking

We should celebrate Earth Hour by embracing innovation, technology, and progress

This past Saturday, March 19, people around the world turned lights out for and hour in a rather silly display of acknowledging their belief in human caused climate change.

It has been reported that Justin Trudeau and his wife “celebrated” Earth Hour by burning a log on an open fire. Burning wood produces twice as many carbon emissions as natural gas. Millions of people switched off their lights while billions of people in developing nations wish they had lights.

We should celebrate Earth Hour by embracing innovation, technology, and progress. Sitting in the dark for an hour doesn’t bring anyone out of poverty. Access to reliable energy does.

Nuclear technologies and transitioning to nuclear fusion is the required energy strategy if we wish to enhance humankind’s standard of living and dignity and to truly protect our earth’s biosphere.

Brian Gray




Penticton Western News