LETTERS: Take a second look around Penticton

Lets not develop another green area without full input from us the taxpayers.

It would make sense that major projects that will require millions of taxpayers  dollars being spent be presented to us before plans are set in motion. I do not recall any information being put forward by city staff or council before the last election.

Penticton is slowly losing green areas to developers and it seems that all they have to do is lobby city hall. Pleasant Valley Golf course is a perfect example. One day it was a nice par three golf course then with little notice it was zoned residential with little or no input from the residents of Penticton.  Look at it now, after over six years it is still not developed and is an eyesore compared to when it was a golf course.

Lets not develop another green area without full input from us the taxpayers.

One of the main attractions for the area around the S.S. Sicamous and dam at the outlet of Okanagan Lake is in fact that it is as natural as you can have with past development (ex. dam and residential area to the west). Beavers have made their home there. All kinds of wildlife, ducks, geese, ospreys and yes, fish, make this area their home.  Many tourist enjoy coming and seeing the wildlife and if they stop on the dam, get a great view of some very large local fish sitting at the base.

The Okanagan river channel is a basic natural resource and should be protected from any development that could endanger it. The Okanagan Nation Alliance has worked extremely hard to bring sockeye salmon back to the Okanagan river channel in Penticton. I do have a concern regarding the building of a docking area that close to the Okanagan river channel.

We should be doing everything possible to keep this area green. Boats will bring oil and gas spills, even if only in small amounts, they all add up and will flow into the channel and the spawning grounds of sockeye salmon and residential kokanee from Skaha Lake.

May I suggest that instead of spending millions more on the north end of Penticton, council and staff look at the rest of Penticton. Little or no money is spent on improvements on Main Street from Eckhhardt to Skaha Lake Road. Also, lets look at the Okanagan River channel. It is one of the main attractions for summer tourists and soon to be a major salmon rearing area. At this time, it is just like a scar through the middle of Penticton.

How about taking  some of the millions to be spent on developing commercial interests on the S.S. Sicamous area and work with the Penticton Indian Band and plant trees the full length of the river channel.  Good for the environment and really good for the eyes when driving through Penticton. We never know what we have got until it is gone and a paved paradise leaves us with only a parking lot. Thanks Joni.

Bob Otway




Penticton Western News