LETTERS: Tangled web

Like a tangled web, the Skaha Lake waterslide saga is unravelling to the bare threads of a rotten cobweb.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

Like a tangled web, the Skaha Lake waterslide saga is unravelling to the bare threads of a rotten cobweb. The decision by city council not to allow a member from Save Skaha Park to serve on the parks advisory committee is childish at best. It is playground politics, governed by bullies asserting their position in the school yard.

Penticton councillors have demonstrated many times that they are not the fastest foxes in the forest, but to deny membership on a city committee is no less than an atrocious affront to people concerned about the salubriousness of Penticton.

One also has to wonder about the credentials of the company involved in this venture. Surely, anyone running a creditable company would be concerned about its integrity and reputation.

Jim Calvert



Penticton Western News