Letters: Tank this

Controlling our destiny means no heads in the sand

I must thank Dr. Alcock of the Dogwood Initiative for giving me some of the most amusing creative writing I’ve read in quite a while. Several points were quite notable. How could 70 per cent of Sooke voters have voted in favour of stopping tanker traffic when less than 42 per cent of registered voters (myself among them) actually voted in the last election?

His assertion that the Dogwood Initiative is just an “aw shucks, we’re just a bunch of concerned citizens” small group flies in the face of their own website. Some of the “Allies” that they refer to in their own site are multinational consortia such as GreenPeace and the Sierra Legal Defense Fund. His assertion that anthropogenic (humancaused) climate change is an accepted fact is not quite correct. There’s an actual formula that statisticians quote that basically states that 89.654 per cent of all statistics are made up on the spot. Even media agrees that both left and right wing groups neglect to include studies that don’t agree with their desired outcomes.

An inconvenient fact that he neglects to mention is that the world runs on oil. Canada can either control the supply network of oil and coal to our own benefit (tax revenue, environmental oversight) or we can put our heads in the sand and pretend that the world is not dependent on oil.

The only way to control our own destiny is to participate. And that is an undeniable fact.

Jason Kitt


Sooke News Mirror