LETTERS: Tax campaign across the pond


Have you ever worked in the U.K.?


Have you ever worked in the U.K.?

If you have even only worked for one year, you may very well qualify for a NI (National Insurance)pension from the U.K.

Often you can also make voluntary contributions to ‘top up’ to increase your pension.

Now the kicker, when you collect your NI pension and live in Canada, it is frozen for life – no increase for inflation.

However, you can help change this by signing the petition at www.change.org/p/end-pension-freezing

The U.K. government is making changes that will allow anyone that ever lived in the U.K. eligible to vote. Ask your friends and relatives – especially those living in the U.K. – to support this initiative.

The U.K. elections are in May, so time is running out.

More information is available at www.pensionjustice.org and www.britishpensions.com

Richard Gill, South Surrey



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