Letters: Taxes are taxing to health

Old age pensions from other countries are taxed in Canada

Re: “Tax laws affect German-Canadians,” Feb. 6, Sooke News Mirror letters.

I’m from Dutch origin and us old-timers also receive a small pension from Holland to which the same is happening as the German pension.

In November 2012, I received a letter from taxation Canada that upset me very much with all the demands therein. A few weeks later, I was taken by ambulance to hospital with a heart attack (not had any heart trouble before that). I think the letter contributed to that.

Mid-January 2013, I got another letter demanding immediate payment of $1,300. Not wanting another attack, I paid immediately.

Why upset 70-80-year-old people, go after the big fish (money-earning guys).

Agnes Wansink


Sooke News Mirror