Letters: Taxes, one drop at a time

I counted at least 20 forms of taxes that we pay to drive our cars to work. At that, I may be missing some.

Editor, The News:

I counted at least 20 forms of taxes that we pay to drive our cars to work. At that, I may be missing some.

I would be happy to publish them, but I am afraid that if this post is too long, people won’t bother reading it. This excludes the mayors’ newest proposal.

Could you imagine the bureaucracy tied in with all these taxes? If they would roll it up as one tax, they could probably get rid of some of them and still make money, but these bureaucrats are killing us one drop at a time or through a thousand paper cuts.

Is it the mayors’ intention to bankrupt us all? I heard on the news that Canadians are falling into record debt. Is it any wonder?

I would support expansion of infrastructure, but this fight is not about being in favour of such expansion, it’s about who should pay for it and about the inept management of our money.

Governments are not good money managers and voting no will tell them to give their heads a shake.

Don’t you dare believe that it will mean more congestion. No government will allow things to deteriorate to what the fearmongerers are telling you since they face the voters every four years or so.

Who should pay for improvements? How about the community of millionaires who rub their hands in glee when SkyTrain comes to their doorsteps? This would be the developers, speculators, property flippers, land owners, leasing companies and the real estate agents who profit from transactions immediately around the stations.

Has anyone noticed all the mega projects that currently surround these stations and the ones in development?

Someone is making big bucks and the mayors want you to contribute to their welfare fund?

Nick Sanger

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News