Letters: Terrorism affecting life here in Ridge

The government has asked our Canadian soldiers to not wear their uniforms in public.

Editor, The News:

I am writing to you on this sad day to say, enough is enough.

The events of this past week should wake up most Canadians, I hope.

We have, probably, thousands of Canadians on ‘terrorist watch lists,’ and what happens?

One of them murders a soldier with his car.

Then, a soldier is killed in Ottawa.

The perpetrator was also killed, but he was probably on that terrorist watch list.

Our rights, my rights, are being affected by these terrorists.

My grandson’s Air Cadets, here in Maple Ridge, are cancelled indefinetly because of these terrorists.

The government has asked our Canadian soldiers to not wear their uniforms in public.

Are you friggin kidding me?

That just about made me cry.

How about wear your uniform proudly and carry a firearm.

Let’s wake up, Canada.

I am dying to hear Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair and the other left-wing nutbars who will blame this on fighting ISIS or being too American, and asking: “What are the Root causes?”

To all Canadians, I say, ‘Fit in … ’

Chris Johnston

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News