LETTERS: Thank you for wearing a poppy proudly

I want to thank all Canadians for your support and dedication for this campaign.

As we approach the final hours of our national Poppy Campaign, I want to thank all Canadians for your support and dedication for this campaign.

With every poppy worn proudly by Canadians today, we send a message of thanks and gratitude to our veterans, both past and present, and those who are still serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, members of the RCMP and their families.

This year, Legion Branches across the country have reported outstanding results for their poppy campaigns.  With more than 21 million poppies worn this year, the efforts of Canadians to remember the more than 117,000 servicemen and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice have been heard loud and clear.

Every year, funds collected through the Poppy Campaign are used to provide direct assistance for veterans and their families who are in financial need. The Legion truly cares about all veterans. In fact, the 2014 Poppy Campaign provided more than $16.5 million in assistance to Canada’s veterans and serving personnel.

As President of the Legion, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Canadians for your kindness and generosity.  To those who gave of their time and their funds, your collective contribution will ensure that our Veterans and their families will continue to receive the care and support they need, and that our children will remember the great sacrifices that have been made for the freedoms we all enjoy today.

We will remember them.

Tom Eagles,

Dominion President The Royal Canadian Legion


Penticton Western News