Letters: Thanks to the volunteers

Heartfelt thanks to those who help, and a not-so-heartfelt thanks to a pair of alleged thieves

Thank you to volunteers

During National Volunteer Week, April 6-12, the Canadian Blood Services thanks and celebrates the more than 17,000 volunteers who donated 210,000 hours of their time in the last year to support Canada’s blood system.

Volunteers help make saving lives possible. We truly appreciate the talent and energy our volunteers contribute — it’s time that made a significant difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who needed blood products this past year.

Volunteers promote important campaigns throughout the year, coordinate and host blood donor clinics and speak to others about the importance of blood, stem cell, organ and tissue donations.

On behalf of our national team at Canadian Blood Services I’d like to send a heart-felt thanks to all volunteers in the Penticton area who support Canadian Blood Services as well as other charitable organizations in Canada.

Melanie Wasylyshen,

volunteer co-ordinator,

Canadian Blood Services, B.C. and Yukon


New  election act unfair

Dear Prime Minister and Mr. Poilievre:

I am urging you to please either scrap the new voting bill or rewrite it in the spirit it should be intended.

In my town people are known by many others.  If one person can’t vouch for another then maybe two or three people can vouch for them.  That would be easy to do in a community where people know each other.

I also am outraged at the contempt that you hold Elections Canada and it’s officers.

Donna Stocker



Politicians get extra raise

It was just reported the MPs and Senators received a pay raise of 2.58 per cent based upon the cost of living index.

I would like to ask Dan Albas to explain to the seniors why they received a pay increase on their Old Age Pension and Canada Pension of only 0.9 per cent based upon the cost of living index.

Is there more than one cost of living index?

How is it that seniors and those with pensions indexed to the cost of living index were held to 0.9 per cent then Mr. Albas and senators gave  themselves almost three times as much based upon another cost of living index?

Bob Otway



Thanks for nothing

To the dynamic duo that broke into my store this last Sunday at 3 a.m. to steal some chocolate bars and 5-Hour Energy shots.

Yes, you know who you are.  The one with the red hoodie with white writing on the front, and the blond-haired kid with the black jacket wearing black sunglasses.

Little did you realize that your $25 theft cost me $1,000 to repair.  Conveniently, I have access to Facebook, and YouTube, along with a variety of other social sites, where I will be putting up the surveillance video of you, and inviting as many people as I can to come and view the video to see if they recognize you.

So hopefully, your friends and family will see this, and see you for who you really are.  I would be happy to remove the video upon reimbursement of the cost of replacing the door.

If everyone that reads this could go to my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SmartShopperValue  and my YouTube page at www.youtube.com/user/smartshoppervalue and review the video and let me know if you recognize them, I would appreciate it.

I would say 30 free coffees to the person that helps lead me to them would be fair.

I will use these pages to post all videos of shoplifters and crooks from my store.

I have set up a Facebook group called Penticton Shoplifters and Thieves so that other businesses can upload their videos.

Leigh Follestad



Skateboarder with common sense

This letter is to address those who lump all young people together as reckless, dangerous hooligans.

I recently had an encounter with a young man who was riding a skateboard late one night. I was turning right onto Main Street from Duncan Avenue when I saw him approaching. He was clearly visible as his board was illuminated with bright eye-catching LED lights.

As he approached me he had the good sense to hesitate long enough to make eye contact and with a slight nod proceeded to cross safely in front of me. If only more people whether on foot, board, bike, vehicle or whatever would pause to make this simple effort our roads would be far safer for all. If anyone knows who this young man is, please pass on my thanks and compliments.

I for one do not believe in the old saying  that one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.

Avril Ballantine




Penticton Western News