
LETTERS: Thanks to those who risked their safety to stop and help

Those who broke six-foot safety zone should rest at ease, says writer


This is a big thank you to the good-hearted folks who came to the assistance of an ‘old goat’ in and around Save-On Foods, Semiahmoo Mall. The old goat is me – 82 next month. I have serious stenosis of the lower spine.

When the pain kicks in, I lose feeling in both legs and if I don’t find a chair to sit, I fold like a cheap suit. My arms also lose strength during the drama. I am literally unable to get up without the help. Coming out the side exit of the store with a pizza under my left arm and a cane in my right hand. I made a dumb move trying to catch a closing door, and down I went.

Two men and two ladies helped – one putting on a shoe that came off. Another collected the coins that spilled from a pocket.

Once I was on my feet they walked me back to my car. Once seated, the feeling returned to my legs. I’m OK again. Then I was off for home, none the worse for the wear, this time, a ‘tad ‘ embarrassed and very thankful.

What I forgot to say to these good people who broke the six-foot safety zone, risking close contact with a stranger (we all wore masks) is to pass along peace of mind.

I had my first vaccine shot a month ago and have zero symptoms of COVID-19. As an aside, fortune also smiled on me. My pizza landed right side up!

John Foster, White Rock

Peace Arch News