LETTERS: The camel, the horse and the nudists

The Penticton council members need to be reminded that the silent majority elected them.

I am not a resident of Three Mile Road but I am one of the silent majority.

The council members need to be reminded that the silent majority elected them. The vocal minority are just that, a minority.

So far, I have found the council meetings to be kind of underwhelming. The lack of experience is obvious. The danger of this is that a decision could be made, the consequences of which we, the silent majority, have to live with.

So, with regard to Three Mile Beach and the possibility of finding a new location for the nudists, my advice to council is do nothing for a year and see what happens. There is an old saying that a camel is a horse designed by a committee which implies that the committee tried to please everyone and did not end up with a horse, as intended.

We have had a few camels and we don’t need another one.

Bill Smith




Penticton Western News