Letters: The rish always get the most

Letter writer wonders why wealthy need Old Age Security cheques

When I was a kid, or rather a young person, I used to wonder why it was that old people were getting the pensions, when it seemed obvious to me that kids would be a more appropriate repository for all that free money. Kids made much better use of their time than old people. They appreciated time much more than old people, or rather, they devoured their time with much greater gusto.

I was amazed to find that the clawback of old age security money begins at a retirement income of $60,000 per year. I thought Old Age Security (OAS) was for the needy.

I was embarrassed when I learned that some old people on a good pension with an outrageously generous OAS were getting bored having all that money thrown at them, and so they went out and swapped up all the low paying jobs that the kids would have had to take to live on.

My question is: Have selfishness and shortsightedness become national symbols now, alongside hockey fights and beer – and how about pension for young people? Eh! How about that rich guy?

N.E. MacNab


Sooke News Mirror