Letters: This and that

Regular letter write talks about a variety of issues

The cod stocks in the east are not reviving even though the fishery is suspended; the exploding seal population is feeding on the struggling cod populations; the green huggers have produced this effect by their intervention in the seal harvest.

Their arguments are sound however, for how indeed could one put a precious baby seal to sleep, when we have all those noisy, ugly lambs we can butcher?

Apparently the wild orcas’ salmon dinners are now protected even though there is no indication of any starving orcas. The elusive spotted owl is protected, heck, they might even get around to protecting the economy some day, if enough economy survives to protect.

The green huggers promote a “green economy” without even starting up and being successful in a “green business” unless of course receiving donations be considered business. The green huggers are pulling the wool over our eyes and then crying wolf; they will win because they know what “mass hysteria” is and how to manipulate us into it. The federal Liberals have opened the door to their agenda at the legal end, and we are going to reap the rewards — which is that we will become as pristine and serene as the old Newfoundland, while the new Newfoundland makes jokes about us.

To see the effects of mass hysteria, there is no need to remember Y2K, one need only pay minimal attention, and we will hear the resounding refrain of “global warming” virtually everywhere, coupled with the familiar “greenhouse gases” but never any word of “Ice Age.”

I would point out that in 1000 AD the Vikings were farming in some places in Greenland, and it has not as yet returned to the degree to that degree of warmth, so you’d better get used to it because it’s going to get a lot warmer, with or without our pittance of CO².

Remember also the “clearcut you see from space,” well, all those trees they replanted it with are now sucking up CO² at a rate of three feet per tree per year. Which means, clearcuts remove CO².

Furthermore, grizzlies eat berries – and berrybushes are the first thing that grows after a forest is clearcut. So – clearcuts are the optimal habitat for grizzlies.

The real question here is – why is everybody so completely silenced by the green huggers? And my answer is – What can you say in the middle of a riot?

N.E. MacNab


Sooke News Mirror