LETTERS: Thoughts on U.S. relations

Letter writers address the Trump administration.


I have read and watched on TV that there is a movement to boycott visiting the U.S.A. and purchasing goods made there. There is also a movement in Mexico to do the same.

The problem – and it could be serious if the movement takes hold:

1) The effect on the bottom line of U.S. goods and companies will be very little.

2) What will be affected is the U.S. citizens and Mexican citizens who are employed by the U.S. companies.

So who will be affected is the employees, who I suggest are also not pleased with the Trump position on immigration.

I do not have a solution to this, but suggest we think smarter than the politicians, which should not be that difficult.

If we are going to support each other, let’s do that and not punish people who want to work.

Fred Somers Sr., Surrey

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In response to your Jan. 13-20 online question of the week (“Do you fear the Trump presidency?”), I fear that World War 3 will erupt before the end of Donald Trump’s first year as president of the U.S.A. – shortly after he gropes or insults several world leaders or their spouses.

Jerry Steinberg, Surrey



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