LETTERS: Timely reasons to honour past

LETTERS: Timely reasons to honour past

Editor: How quickly we ignore the historical events that were intended to have shaped our world!


How quickly we forget – or choose to ignore – the historical events that were intended to have shaped our world!

June 6, 1944 was the day that combined armed forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France marking the beginning of a long, costly struggle to rid the world of the Nazi tyranny.

Thousands of lives perished along with those that tested the invasion at Dunkirk, before it.

I haven’t seen reference to or recognition of, those two events in our local news media – seems like we are too busy fighting radicals than to consider the possible talented men and women who lost their lives and who might, just might, have brought a little sanity and civility to our everyday society.

That possibility should encourage voters to seek government leaders who have the well-being of our citizenry as their ruling credo, to never let infamous history repeat itself.

Think about it, folks.

Al Whyte, Surrey

Peace Arch News