Letters to the editor.

Letters to the editor.

Letters to the Editor

A reader writes to thank school staff during this difficult time

Dear Editor,

For the last month the feeling of normalcy in the world has not been there because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, our own little community is mixed in with the rest of the world when it comes to this.

There are so many working hard to not only keep us safe but also trying to keep us feeling normal when everything feels not so great right now.

This list includes doctors, nurses, hospital staff, paramedics, pharmacy workers, police, firefighters, grocery store staff, delivery drivers, transit employees, restaurant workers, truck drivers, and the ones my family would personally like to acknowledge: educators. In particular, the principals, teachers, and support staff of Desert Sands Community School.

Going into spring break there were a lot of questions and uncertainty in regards to COVID-19, and that included the school and its students; so much uncertainty that many of these hardworking employees of the school who were looking forward to their spring break plans had either made changes or cancelled them completely.

When the provincial government made the announcement to cancel all classes in the interest of health and safety for both students and staff, that uncertainty reached a new level. I can’t imagine the work, preparation, and planning that was required to put a plan in place regarding those next steps with parents and students.

When we gave the news to our two children that their school year had come to an end until further notice, the questions and concerns starting coming. “When will we get to see our teacher and friends?” “How will I learn reading, spelling, and math?” Our answer to that was “You have a lot of good people at your school who will help mom and dad while you are at home.” Amidst all the uncertainty my wife and I have had, that was one thing we did know.

The staff quickly communicated with us, giving us as much info as they could with promises to offer more as it came along to them. They have done a fantastic job in doing so under extremely difficult circumstances.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m sure: the staff at Desert Sands Community School are amazing. Our family appreciates everything you have done and continue to do as we move into uncharted territory with COVID-19. We can’t thank you enough.

Kindness and compassion go a long way, especially in the times we are in today, which is why I feel the need to let DSCS staff know how my family feels about them. Our children are missing you all so much, but knowing the hearts you all have, I’m certain you’re missing them just as much, if not more. Thank you from the Laskey family, and please continue to stay safe.

Tyrone, Shauna,

Makenna, and Lynden Laskey

Ashcroft, B.C.

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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal