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Letters to the Editor

Readers write about the Cache Creek Elementary annual dinner and development in Ashcroft

Dear Editor,

We are writing this letter to Cache Creek and area community members on behalf of the Cache Creek Elementary School Parent Advisory Council, to notify you that this year there will unfortunately be no PAC auction and dinner. This is a wonderful annual event that raises funds for Cache Creek students’ enhanced learning and provides experiences from enjoying popcorn days to purchasing new basketball backdrops and nets.

It has been an extremely trying year for everyone, and considering all we have been and are going though, we thought it most appropriate to forgo the event in order to allow everyone to focus on the well-being of their families and businesses alike. It is a struggle for some to make it through these tough times, and because we respect our community supporters so much we thought it best not to add pressure by asking businesses and members to contribute and participate in what is supposed to be a stress-free, enjoyable event.

In the coming year, when things settle down and we are all back on our feet, we would love to put this event on, even better than before! Hopefully, with the continued support of our wonderful local businesses and community, we will have an array of wonderful prizes to be won and items to bid on in order to support our local school’s children and their learning experiences.

Marlous Dumont

Cache Creek

Elementary School PAC

Dear Editor,

In light of the need for housing development in Ashcroft, the letter to the editor in the March 18 issue of the Journal from several leading Ashcroft citizens struck a long-forgotten chord. I’m sure some longtime residents recall the complaint that Ashcroft missed the boat when Logan Lake took up the challenge of providing mine workers and their families with housing.

The land on Government Street has been purchased some time back, and there seem to be formidable obstacles and challenges to the development of housing on the sites purchased. Planning on the sites includes surveying and zoning, and the developers would presumably be working with the municipality with regard to sewer, water, hydro, and other essential services, the costs of which are borne by the developer and the village. Other than these assumptions, I remain ignorant of the bureaucracy.

But this is a major issue, no doubt about it. And it’s the responsibility of council and the mayor to provide us with information. I’m sure many of us are wondering why development of the land in question has not gone ahead in light of the urgency. Ashcroft has waited for a generation or more for “something to happen”, and “something” is happening. Yet stalemates of one kind or another (with brief mention in the Journal) seem to be implying the village can’t see its way financially to cope with the development of the land.

I think I can say the writers of the letter in the March 18 issue are fully aware of the issue because of their formidable experience in civic municipal administration. Their concern is shared. Please let us know more about the particulars, and explain what efforts the village has made to deal with the issue.

The future of growth in this village depends on the decisions council makes today. It recalls the loss of housing development in the past, resulting in formidable progress made by Logan Lake.

Esther Darlington

Ashcroft, B.C.

Dear Editor,

For many 70-plus seniors in British Columbia, it was a heavy blow when the four-month delay in their vaccine dose completions was announced.

After a year of sheltering in their homes, missing their children and grandchildren, their friends and colleagues, abandoning travel plans and other retirement pleasures, they looked forward to being fully vaccinated under the original schedule.

Making plans for May and June 2021 kept them upbeat and afloat, but all that was swept aside without consideration for their well-being, mental and physical, when the initial plan was scrapped.

Four months for a senior over 70 is time noticeably deducted from the balance of their lives. They were told their lives were priorities for the B.C. government, suddenly not so. Please advocate for an exemption for senior British Columbians from the four-month delay to be fully vaccinated — if just as a courtesy for having been British Columbian for more than seven decades.

Brian J. Low

Vancouver, B.C.

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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal