Letters to the Editor

Various opinions of local residents as retrieved from the inbox and mailbag

The Rebel Cause

I begin this letter with praise and longing for our long-held Castlegar Rebel Bingos.I was proud to help the hockey club while enjoying a pleasant night out with friends. I recently attended a bingo at our new casino… need I say more?  First of all, the cost does not merit the payment, besides being poorly run. I would consider it the worst bingo I have ever attended.I know machines are taking over our lives, but please, we are losing the friendliness of our old-time bingos.

I, for one, mourn the loss of our Rebel bingos.


-Loraine Lowell,




Points to make on smart meters

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the dedicated people involved in “Citizens for Safe Technology”(C.S.T.) especially the people I have met here in the Kootenay Chapter: Cliff Palluck, Helga and Ken Auld… thank you so much for looking out for the people who live around you in the community.

It’s very difficult for hard working families to get involved in the behind the Scenes actions of government and corporations, to read between the lines and get the true facts out to the public, to help citizens understand what’s going on and how these decisions effect them.

Thank you for taking the time to do this for us, I’m sure you would rather do much more fun, enjoyable things with your time.

This is about (AMI) “Advanced Metering Infrastructure” or “Smart Meters” This is a very serious issue and it is imperative people know all the facts!

This technology may not be intended for what you may think it’s for. Other communities in B.C. have banned this technology. Find out why on Monday, February 6, 2012, 7 p.m. at the Castlegar Forum (CBT) building beside City Hall.

During a regular city council meeting, there will be a delegation to the Mayor and Council by “Citizens for Safe Technology.”

Come and listen, learn and ask questions to help, get a greater understanding of it’s true purpose. Questions need to be answered. Concerns need to be acknowledged and addressed. Let’s get together and get the true facts so we all know what’s going on!


-Peter Wulowka





Thanks for the raise!

My old age security plan went up from $437.97 to $440.12… a $2.15 increase.

My wife’s plan went up from $487.97 to $490.12, also an  increase of $2.15.

I hope the Members of Parliament got the same raise, especially the Senators!


-Ralph Lemphers,



Castlegar News