Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Readers write about changes to recycling and the Lytton River Festival.

Dear Editor,

Garbage and recycling have become a regular subject of conversation in Ashcroft of late. The closure of the recycling facility on Railway Avenue is certainly going to result in some direct consequences to our residents, the Village, and the Cache Creek landfill.

It was well publicized that our downtown facility was to close September 1. Knowing that, many residents made the trip downtown on August 31 to take their recycling. Imagine their surprise when they arrived and found it barricaded, and they were not allowed to dispose of their recycling. When asked why it was closing a day early, the TNRD representative who was at the site replied “It’s more convenient.” Convenient for whom?

We are now to take our recycling to the old Cache Creek landfill site until the new facility is ready. There is even a TNRD Waste Wizard app that we can all download to ensure that we “do it right!”

I believe this recycling move is doomed to fail. The road to the temporary facility is a rough climb for most vehicles, and it is doubtful that people will want to beat their car up this road for a recycling trip. Will road maintenance be stepped up to ease access? Unlikely.

The TNRD’s suggestion of downloading a recycling wizard app to ensure we “do it right” lets us all know that this is not as easy as 1-2-3. We will require several containers at home to ensure that we separate our recycling correctly, and will then have to transport it to the facility and dispose of it in the correct container. Anytime you make something too difficult for people it is doomed to fail.

The plan to use the old Cache Creek landfill as a “temporary” site until the new one is ready is shortsighted and will not be a good transition. I suspect the Village of Ashcroft will see a huge increase of garbage on their pick-up days, which will do nothing to ease the load, and will go against everything that the TNRD is trying to accomplish.

Andrea Walker

Ashcroft, B.C.

Dear Editor,

Wow! That was Lytton River Festival. It was amazing! From bannock to ice cream; chicken poop bingo to the dunk tank; The Fendermen to the Savage Society. Lytton, you have much to be proud of.

I am happy to report that we had no policing issues. There were many foot patrols through the venues, with a focus on the poutine truck. We chatted with lots of locals and visitors. Everyone was having a good time.

Thank you to all organizers, vendors, and attendees. Already looking forward to 2019.

Sgt. Curtis Davis

Lytton, B.C.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal