Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Readers write about the Eco-Depot, respecting firefighters, and thanks to seniors

Dear Editor,

I just wanted to say a few words about the mobile home fire [in Cache Creek] that our Fire Department attended to on the morning of April 3.

I have heard through the grapevine that our Department and its members have been criticized for our response time. While this is disappointing to myself and my members, to say the least, I would like to publicly state the facts.

The call came into us at 2:35 a.m. I don’t know about others, but getting woken up from a dead sleep, finding clothes to throw on, and getting out the door as quickly as possible is not a natural or easy process.

En route to the fire hall, I could see that the sky was lit up from the flames, and thought to myself, “This can’t be good.”

Our response time, from the dispatch to members to trucks on scene, was 11 minutes, which is very respectable for a volunteer department. Kamloops Fire Rescue’s average response time is 6 1/2 minutes, with crews working in hall 24/7. So I’m very happy with our response.

This fire was fully involved before we even got there, and unfortunately there was nothing that we could have done differently that would have changed the outcome. While it is tragic that a couple’s home and all of their belongings were lost, I am very happy that there was no damage to neighbouring properties and that nobody was injured, or worse.

And finally, my crew. These people are, in my mind, the best that society has to offer. They are willing to put their lives on the line for complete strangers, at all hours, for no other reason than to help. I trust these guys and girls with my life, and I consider it an honour to be a small part of this incredible group of humans.

Thank you is never enough, and I pray that they don’t let the small minority of negative comments get into their heads. Stay strong, team.

Tom Moe

Fire Chief,

Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Dear Editor,

It might save a lot of unnecessary consternation about the proposal to situate the recycling depot at the junction of the Trans-Canada and Highway 97C, if those opposing the location would investigate other recycling depots (“Proposed Boston Flats Eco-Depot hits rezoning amendment hurdle,” The Journal, April 215).

They don’t have to go very far. There’s been one at Chase for some time. I am told by a friend who lives in Chase that it is operated efficiently, and is not unsightly or in any way polluting; on the contrary. The recycling modus operandi in Chase is, I assume, similar to that in many municipalities in B.C. (I recall one in Parksville on Vancouver Island 35 years ago).

Before concerns mount and cement themselves in peoples’ minds, would it not be more practical to investigate how such depots or stations are conducted in other areas? The TNRD had a difficult enough time finding a location that is accessible.

The “out of sight, out of mind” concept is no longer viable. Recycling is an absolute necessity right now. The countries that used to accept our garbage no longer do so. China, India, and the Philippines have expressed in no uncertain terms their unwillingness to accept what we produce in the way of garbage. We are forced to find our own solutions. We can no longer dump our waste in other people’s back yards (in those cases, their ports).

So let’s be reasonable. Investigate. I’ll lay a bet those who oppose the Boston Flats site have not been to a recycling station elsewhere.

Esther Darlington

Ashcroft, B.C.

Dear Editor,

Thank you to all of the seniors who came out to my Spring Tea and Town Hall sessions in both Clinton and Ashcroft. Seniors have made valuable contributions to our communities over the years, and continue to make contributions by being active community members: sharing their time to serve with our many service clubs and organizations, volunteering to help put on events, shopping locally, and the list goes on.

I believe it is important that we now give back to seniors by ensuring that each of you has access to affordable housing, good health care, and other services and programs you need right here in your communities. I appreciate everyone’s input at the Spring Tea and Town Hall, and I will work hard to address all of the issues raised.

Also, a special thank you to my co-hosts—the Clinton Assisted Living Society and the Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors’ Centre—and all of the people who helped with organizing, spreading the word, and setting up!

Jackie Tegart

MLA, Fraser-Nicola

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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal