When will we wake up and understand that what we are doing about the drug and homelessness problems are not working, asks letter writer. BLACK PRESS file

When will we wake up and understand that what we are doing about the drug and homelessness problems are not working, asks letter writer. BLACK PRESS file

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Approach to social problems isn’t working

Our governments would do anything to avoid making them look uncompassionate, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: There are better ways to address homelessness in our community, Letters, March 29.

I would like to say how much I enjoyed this letter. Finally somebody with some common sense has spoken.

Our governments have made us into a bunch of enablers who would do anything to avoid making them and us look uncompassionate. When will we wake up and understand that what we are doing about the drug and homelessness problems are not working? We have to go back somehow and give people back the sense of self-worth and dignity that we sorely miss nowadays. Nobody has any respect for others and themselves today.

It is a shame how people get themselves into situations and demand others bail them out.

Ian Dunbar, Nanoose Bay

To the editor,

Re: Letter writer’s views are centuries behind the times, Letters, March 22.

Instead of ridiculing someone for unfashionable beliefs, let’s consider today’s conventional wisdom. We’re told that junkies were born to be junkies and, consequently, are completely incapable of self-restraint or any kind of responsibility. Therefore, we’re told, taxpayers must fully fund their lifestyle and communities must welcome their behaviour.

This conventional wisdom comes from politicians competing with each other for sanctimonious status, from a psychiatric profession that collaborated with the catastrophic decision to shut down mental hospitals and from a growing industry of poverty pimps that manipulates these issues for their own ambitions.

Might there be a few flaws in their reasoning?

Greg Klein, Nanaimo

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin. If you have a different view, we encourage you to write to us or contribute to the discussion below.

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