Letters to the Editor – Aug. 25

This week's two letters discuss dog control and public art.

Letter to the Editor re: Dog Control

I have a dog, a basset cross, named Maggie, she lives with me at the Tom Uphill Manor for the past nine years. She is loved by everyone here. I take her for walks often, always on her leash.

On Sunday, Aug. 14 we walked over to the Red Apple. On our way back through their parking lot she was attacked by a big dog. It came around the corner by the dumpsters. When he saw Maggie he lunged for her breaking his collar and leash, the owner could not hold him. It was terrifying, thank goodness, Maggie was not injured. We were both shook up by the incident. A lady in a white pickup saw it all happen and came over to check on Maggie. Also a lady, from the Red Apple was outside and checked Maggie, there was no broken tissue.

I am a senior (in my 80’s) and now I am scared to take Maggie for a walk. I believe the big dog was a boxer or maybe a bull mastiff, only the owner knows for sure, at least twice the size of Maggie. I feel that if you can’t control your dog, you should not walk the dog in a public place in the middle of the afternoon.

A concerned dog owner,

Ruth HopkinsFernie, B.C.


Letter to the Editor re: Public Art

To whomever had the Hockey Rink outer wall of the lovely skating rink coloured art installation painted over:


Cathy Smith-ClarkFernie, B.C.


The Free Press