Young visitors to the Fairy Creek blockade explore the old-growth forest there. (Photo courtesy Aaron Yukich)

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Cutting down old-growth trees in B.C. is ‘ruthless profiteering’

Forestry industry running roughshod over the last of our natural heritage, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Cutting old-growth will provide jobs for short-term only, Letters, April 28.

Thank you to the letter writers for calling a spade a spade, or rather, a chainsaw a chainsaw, in reference to the shameless and irresponsible destruction of B.C.’s part of what little biodiversity is left in this world – our last patches of old-growth forest.

It’s shameful to see our present government twiddling thumbs while the forestry machinery continues day after day to run roughshod over the last of our unmatched natural heritage, reservoirs of our world’s biodiversity, and why? For the sake of windfall profits? These woods aren’t here today thanks to ‘the industry’s’ tree planting or other investments, remember? Why should the greedy ‘industry’ be free to gobble them up to the very last? Why should our government, in spite of its promises, fail to stop this disaster?

The standard meaningless excuse for the ongoing, relentless assault on the last fragments of B.C.’s astonishing natural heritage is always the same: outdated jobs in a few mills, that could have, and ought to have been retooled decades ago to process fibre and timber harvested from the province’s extensive monocultures. Tree farms have in common with ‘real forest’ only the colour of deep green. There is already more than plenty of farmed pseudo ‘forest’ (termed ‘managed forest land’) to keep money and jobs flowing from wood products in B.C. without allowing one more single assault on what’s left of our real forest.

There’s a foolish little saying, often aimed at ‘bleeding hearts’ defending the natural environment: ‘It’s the economy, stupid!’ Oh, really? ‘Ruthless profiteering’ is the applicable term here.

Afiena Kamminga, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: B.C. hasn’t managed forests properly

To the editor,

Is B.C. insane to expect different results from the same old behaviour?

Former premier Mike Harcourt attempted in 1993 to log Clayoquot Sound by injunction. At least his expensive mistake galvanized Canadians and triggered a global discussion. But what, if anything, has the NDP learned in 28 years?

Logging Fairy Creek would duplicate Harcourt’s blunder. Likewise, B.C. is duplicating the fossil fuel blunder of former premier Christy Clark. ‘Stranded assets’ are best left in the ground. Instead, B.C. provides big subsidies for big oil, pipes climate-destroying fracked gas through unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, and floods Peace River farmland at Site C to power yet more tar sands extraction. It’s crazy.

Thank you, Fairy Creek protectors, Nanaimo and Lantzville councils and Nanaimo-Ladysmith MP Paul Manly for recognizing that economically, ethically and in multiple other ways, these vanishing fragments are indeed ‘worth more standing.’

Norman Abbey, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Municipalities can protect more of our ecosystems, not just old-growth

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Nanaimo’s old-growth motion doesn’t reflect realities in forestry sector

To the editor,

Re: Inaction on old-growth recommendations has led to old-fashioned ‘war in the woods,’ Letters, April 14.

It appears the letter writer, and the few standing around burning wood and driving cars and buses back and forth to this blockade are all of a one-track mind, which is tree hugging. Look at some of the photos – very large, old, rotting trees. You do know what happens to dead trees, correct? Given your biodiversity claim, would you say that it is better to let these trees inevitably die and fall down, rot and mould, perhaps even causing harm to the environment? Or carefully investigate the areas and do sectional clear-cutting and forest rehabilitation, including replanting and stabilizing.

So you and the few standing in the road? Or the trained professionals and government bodies that say this is not an issue?

I request all the Fairy Creek and other blockaders put out your fire and walk home, not burning fossil fuels.

G. Henderson, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo city council votes to oppose logging of at-risk old-growth forests

READ ALSO: Lantzville councillors add their voices in opposition to old-growth logging

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The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin