A concept for development of the Green Thumb property in north Nanaimo. (Barefoot Planning and Design image)

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Develop land with care and thought

It's getting to the point that you can't go a block without seeing more apartments, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Green Thumb developer asking for ‘urban node’ land use in north Nanaimo, July 29.

When Green Thumb sold they assured everyone in the paper that it was going to stay a nursery for the next 20 years. Then we have a pandemic and no one is really paying attention to anything outside their personal space and a pretty coloured flyer shows up on the doorstep about a meeting to discuss it with the developers. A small amount of people show up and we wait to hear when the public hearing will come.

With people unemployed, businesses shutting down everywhere including big chain stores will council approve this monstrosity with a strip mall in it? Who’s is going to fill those spaces? You will destroy another couple of neighbourhood areas. It is getting to the point that you can’t go a block without running into more apartment buildings many of which are receiving special variances from the city. I have to wonder if you chose this pandemic period to push this through knowing that the resistance would be minimal and you could pat yourselves on the back for your accomplishment. This is certainly going to look good on someone’s resume who is aiming for bigger opportunities. Nanaimo is starting to look like an ugly little suburb of Vancouver with no cohesive planning at all. What a shame.

Robin Hulme, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City should have tried to buy land to save as green space

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Nanaimo News Bulletin