Letters to the Editor: Feb. 16

Support against GOS whitetail does; Fluoride and chlorine

Support against GOS whitetail does

“The year in hunting 2014,” by F.J.Hurtak and GOS on whitetail does. Feb.10/15, by Wayne Pelter:

I would like offer both my support on their views on the general open season on whitetail does in the East Kootenay hunting region and the need to stop this regulation now.

I have been personally opposed to this regulation change from the very beginning and see nothing but a bad outcome from this wildlife management decision. The GOS is open to all hunters from B.C. to come to the East Kootenay region and harvest any whitetail doe, with a bag limit of two. The area can not sustain this kind of hunting pressure on our whitetail deer population.

The damage has already started to show. This past fall I hunted several areas trying to get my young grandson his first whitetail buck. Areas where in the past I would see many doe deer and possibly a buck I see now few, if any, whitetail deer at all. I see more on private property around towns than I do in the bush. The few remaining pockets of whitetail populations are being very heavily hunted.

I have expressed my disapproval of this regulation to our local wildlife biologists. I do not understand the reason for implementing this change in the first place. I was told that the decision was made from input from local hunters and stakeholders. I find this hard to believe. Who is the strongest stakeholder? ICBC?

I have not talked to any local hunters that I know or do not know that support this regulation.

I am not 100 per cent opposed to any whitetail doe harvest if done on a very limited and controlled wildlife management plan.

On a personal note while hunting last fall at the  junction of Bull River and Van Creek I came upon four carcasses of recent whitetail doe kills. The two small fawns next to the adult does brought tears to my eyes.

Voice support for changes to this year’s regulations.

Gary Pearson/Kimberley

Fluoride and chlorine

Bravo to Frank Fodor for his letter to this page on Feb. 12; he asks all the right questions to point out how extensively we are exposed to this toxic substance. He failed to point out that if toothpaste has fluoride in it, there has to be a warning label on the tube that says something like “Do not swallow, Keep out of reach of children.” In Europe 98 per cent of the water supply is NOT fluoridated for good reasons.

The kids could be given a topical fluoride treatment every year, which would be more effective and safer.

I watched a presentation recently which pointed out that fluoride is accumulative in our bodies and affects the way we absorb nutrients on the cell level in our bodies, it affects our neurological system, in other words “it’s dummying down our population!”

We should not chlorinate our water supply either, because it kills ALL the bacteria, the good and the bad. We could eliminate the BAD bacteria by Oxygenating — the vast majority of Europe are doing it, it costs less, is safer and is better for your health.  But we don’t have a say in this because the bureaucracy knows better, they started with Chlorinating and “we’re NOT gonna change.”

Go ahead Cranbrook, keep fluoridating and chlorinating your water, the Government loves it. I can hardly wait when we are told about the consequences of consuming GMO grains and the corn syrup produced from it, which is in EVERYTHING! There are many countries who have banned genetically modified grains, mainly because one company wants to control it all and does not really care about public health.

J. Adank/Kimberley

Cranbrook Daily Townsman