Please move fish farms to land and save all life on our pristine coastal waterways, asks letter writer. (BLACK PRESS file)

Please move fish farms to land and save all life on our pristine coastal waterways, asks letter writer. (BLACK PRESS file)

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Fish farms negatively impacting environment

I strongly feel that B.C. salmon farming industry must be transitioned to land

To the editor,

I am writing because I’m First Nations and I strongly feel that B.C. salmon farming industry must be transitioned to land. They must be removed from the wild salmon migratory routes on the West Coast. They are decimating our wild salmon with lice and disease which is playing a huge role on the wildlife, forests, and First Nation peoples that depend on our wild salmon as a main food staple in their lives.

Please move these farms to land and save all life on our pristine coastal waterways.

Donna Johnson, Nanaimo

To the editor,

I am deeply concerned about salmon farms and their pollution (chemicals, antibiotic feed, general over feeding, hormones, diseases, sea lice, neurotoxins, piscine orthoreovirus, etc.) spilling freely into the native/wild salmon migration routes and surrounding waters and ecosystems, seafloor, neighbouring herring spawning grounds/eel grass, clam beds and all the rest of fellow species who call these waters home. There would be only good things to come for all who live in and around coastal waters if we protected these waters and kicked them out of the ocean and give the native species a chance to make a comeback.

The West Coast is no place to allow foreign corporate fish farms to be risking B.C. wild salmon, the orca and the rest of the food chain, including us humans.

Krista Jorgensen, Nanoose Bay

To the editor,

Diseases from salmon farms are threatening B.C. wild salmon. Our wild salmon is a huge staple to our lifestyle and economy, between the commercial fisheries that employ thousands of workers and the sport fishers that bring tourists and their dollars compared to the very little employment opportunities that fish farms offer. Most other countries have shut down fish farms, yet our government is welcoming them with open arms.

Let’s keep our wild B.C. salmon healthy, they have enough problems already.

Regan Lall, Gabriola Island

Nanaimo News Bulletin