Letters to the editor – Jan. 13

Weekly letters to the editor from within the Sooke community.

Sooksquatch idea not so far-fetched

Re: It is time to cash in on Sooksquatch Conspiracy (Opinion, Jan. 6)

Had to smile at Rick Stiebel’s opinion piece about faking a Sasquatch, because it has already been done.

Heck even an expert declared the footprint to be real.

Not sure where the plaster cast of the footprint is today, nor where the hand-carved wooden feet are that made the imprint. The Sooksquatch T-shirts long ago sold out, a few stickers remain in private collections and the costumes of Mr. and Mrs. Sooksquatch are still at the museum.

Lee Boyko



PR will improve political system

Re: Reform of electoral process requires dialogue (Opinion, Jan. 6)

While voters are confused about how the different electoral systems work, they have made it abundantly clear they want all parties fairly represented in our parliaments.

Proportional representation, also known as PR, is the only electoral system that addresses this issue, and that is why it is used in virtually all democratic societies in the so-called free world.

Another very important reason to use a proportional system is that it encourages the development of more parties, opening the doors for more people to get involved with the political process.

To make sure the majority of the MPs are elected in the geographic regions where they live, larger electoral districts will be created to include several federal ridings.

The process of nominating Candidates does not change, but there are many ways of ranking the candidates on the so-called party list, the list of candidates representing the different parties in an election.

Using a proportional ballot, voters mark the ballot to indicate the party of choice to establish how many seats it will get in the legislature, while on the same ballot they vote for and rank the candidates.

That makes it about as simple, honest, and fair as it can possibly get.

Mixed member proportional, also known as MMP, and Trudeau’s preferential, ‘instant run-off’ models are both monumental disasters.

Andy Thomsen



Committee looks to help any refugee family

The Team Sooke/Juan de Fuca Refugee Sponsorship Committee thanks you for the story in your Jan. 6 edition (JdF electoral area pitches in for Syrian family sponsorship).

While we were inspired by the situation in Syria, we realize that Syria is not the only source of refugees.

Around the world, there are roughly 15 million refugees from countries as widespread as Iraq, Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. As well, almost 40 million people have been forcibly displaced within their own countries due to violence.

So, our committee is working to support a refugee family from any part of the world for one year.

The family will become contributing members of our welcoming community and will be fully screened and approved before arrival.

We’d like to think that they will exchange their current worries, such as bombs and starvation, for the occasional wandering bear or power outage.

For information on how to help, people can go online yo teamsookejuandefuca.ca or call Sid Jorna at 250-642-2767.

Sid Jorna

Chair, Team Sooke/Juan de Fuca Refugee Sponsorship Committee


Sooke News Mirror