Letters to the Editor: January 12

Cranbrook City Council budget meeting;Marysville recycling/reuse sheds

Budget Meeting

If you have an interest in where we’re going as a city you should come to Cranbrook City Council’s 2015 Budget meetings, which begin on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 4:30pm.

One of the key questions for the new Council is how they will approach funding annual grants to organizations, which are very important if you care about the arts, culture, youth, Cranbrook’s less fortunate citizens, non-profit societies, the library, the Symphony, Key City Theatre, the Railway Museum —  the list goes on.

From my perspective there is little point in having pothole-free streets (which will never happen in Cranbrook anyway) if there are fewer things of interest going on to drive to, and our neighbors are going hungry.

Wayne Stetski/Cranbrook

Re-use sheds

The recycling/reuse sheds at the Marysville Transfer Station are not working out as well as I had hoped.

Why are the employees garbaging useful items that have been left in the sheds?  Twice now I’ve watched goods I may have taken being placed in the backhoe bucket.

The first time it was a large 2 x 3 ft. mirror in great condition, and the woman loading it said “It will just get broken anyway”.

A few days ago I reached into a box in the bucket  and picked up a DVD.  The same woman as before told me to put it back, so I did, as she threw another two boxes of mixed movies, books and magazines into her bucket and drove them to the garbage.  What’s wrong here?

Didn’t someone leave those movies there for someone like me?  When I questioned her, she said that some items should not be seen anyway.  She said the employees did not need to monitor the shed (what did she mean?)

She also said that they would like to get rid of the first shed.  It does seem as though the sheds are usually quite empty, but perhaps more of it is being garbaged.  The rising cost of dealing with garbage should be reason enough to encourage more reuse, not less.

If perfectly good items are being routinely put in the garbage, then our Recycling/Reuse Program is not doing what I would expect.  I’d like to hear from others who have had similar experiences.

Thirty-five years ago I began recycling, and I sure thought we would do better by now.

I’m still waiting for a call from the CRD employee responsible for the Station.

April Wells/Kimberley

Cranbrook Daily Townsman