Letters to the Editor: March 16

Bill C-51 implications; Boneheaded drivers on Victoria Avenue.

Bill C-51

Thank you Carolyn Grant for your very insightful article on Thursday March 12, 2015. As per your recommendation, I read The Walrus’ article Bill C-51, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, twice. I am still trying to get my head wrapped around the implications of Bill C-51 but the article sums it up with the last paragraph. “Not everything in Bill C-51 is objectionable. Some provisions might even be welcome. But without a redoubled investment in our tattered accountability system, the overall package is an ugly one to anyone concerned about civil liberties, and should also provoke deep unease for those looking for a workable, rational approach to security.”

On a lighter note, check out Mary Walsh aka Connie’s short video clip on cbc.ca/22minutes, posted 11-3-2015.

Sandra Cave/Cranbrook

Boneheaded drivers

Re: Intersection at 3rd Street and Victoria Avenue, March 13;

The acting mayor made a pretty irresponsible remark regarding crosswalks: If we aren’t going to make them safe, then maybe paint black over it to remove them. Really? Shouldn’t the City make the crosswalks safer?

Victoria is a race track, with everyone jockeying for position where it merges from four to two lanes, and looking to be first up the hill. Downhill is no safer. The crosswalk at Kinsmen Park is basically ignored by speeding traffic.

The answer? More enforcement by the RCMP. We travel that street every day, and have seen boneheads pass going up that hill.

It would be appreciated by many people who live on Victoria to see more RCMP patrolling at peak traffic times. Hit these speeders where it hurts — in the wallet. They will get the message eventually.

Hopefully, a pedestrian won’t be severely hurt or killed before action is taken.

Len Moody/Cranbrook

Cranbrook Daily Townsman