Citizens rally against masks and other government responses to COVID-19 earlier this long weekend in north Nanaimo. (News Bulletin file photo)

Citizens rally against masks and other government responses to COVID-19 earlier this long weekend in north Nanaimo. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Mask rules are for the greater good

Transit agencies and shopkeepers allowed to set safety rules, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Mask rules inconsistent, Letters, Sept. 23.

I find this letter is full of inaccuracies. I have no idea which channel the letter writer watches but a mask definitely provides protection. It stops the transfer of virus particles.

Being a Christian does not allow you to do what is contrary to the majority. That would be anarchy if allowed.

Public transportation is allowed to set safety rules for the majority of its users. Businesses are allowed to enforce shopkeepers’ privilege which allows them to refuse service. Because of arrogant and extremely rude customers they sometimes do not enforce it. Woodgrove is now taking the temperature of all people entering the mall. Good on them!

I applaud both the transit worker and the police officer. They did what was right and looked after the majority and not one cantankerous man.

Robin Hulme, Nanaimo

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Love thy neighbour, wear a mask

To the editor,

Re: Mask rules inconsistent, Letters, Sept. 23.

Please help me to understand this Christian’s argument against wearing a mask. He clearly forgot Romans 13 where it states you should obey the law.

If people like him should catch the virus I have to allow him to walk by me so I can catch it too? Obviously the store wanted his money that’s why they accepted his silly ‘no mask I’m a Christian’ reason.

Egon Eilers, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Anti-maskers hold rally along the highway in Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin