Letters to the editor – Nov. 4

Weekly letters to the editor from within the Sooke community.

‘Otter Point 500’ claims another victim

I wasn’t surprised last Wednesday to see yet another car meets big tree incident along what I call “The Otter Point 500.”

Anybody who drives Otter Point Road regularly witnesses reckless speeding, tailgating, and over-the-centre-line gambits by both passenger and commercial vehicles.

Given that road’s blind curves, hilly terrain, wandering deer, and hidden driveways, one would think a smart person would learn some extra caution. Evidently not in too many cases.

With a new member being added to our local RCMP detachment, one can only hope that the “500” will get patrolled more regularly?

Andy Neimers, Sooke


No difference between protester, politicians

Re: Roundabout is no place for protesting (Our View, Oct. 21)

When did Sooke district council pass a bylaw removing us as a democratic society? Will the editor or mayor explain the difference between a group urging us to vote and a candidate asking us to vote for them?

Would the Lionesses standing on the roundabout with a duck render the same opinion?

Mieshkia Dash, Sooke


A new Canadian political identity

It felt like the spirit of Christmas arrived two months early in Sooke. There was a palpable sense of lightness and joy wherever I went in Sooke to do my errands on Oct. 20.

With no Liberals elected on the Island, the fact that Stephen Harper’s Conservatives were out was cause for jubilation.

Much has been made of the issue of security risks to Canada. Harper’s direct personal attacks on Russian’s President Putin created a new low. The similarity between the two leaders, Putin and Harper’s oppressive directorship  is ironic.

Harper’s demonstrated lack of respect for U.S. President Barack Obama highlighted again his own behavior contributes its own kind of security risk.  Ego drowned his common sense.

The Liberal honeymoon will end as the hard work begins. It seems only right the sun is shining today as we enjoy our new Canadian political identity.

Carmen Neumann, Sooke


‘Ugly blue box’ mars Whiffin Spit’s beauty

Anyone who has ever walked around Whiffin Spit will agree there is nothing but beautiful vistas wherever you look.

I beg to differ.

As the lighthouse comes in view your vision is assaulted by a huge, ugly blue box with garish white lettering.

Now, I understand this contains very important equipment to be deployed in case of a maritime oil spill and, of course, should be maintained in that position.

However, I can’t help wondering if a group of local artistic people could transform this blue box into looking like a fisherman’s cottage with painted windows, a false roof, and maybe an old dingy and a few fishing nets.

Carol Harding, Sooke


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